2024-02-03 Walking Together, Creating the Future, Flyover 2023 Milestones!

We are grateful to our global customers, partners and all the staff of VALUE for their support and help in the course of VALUE's development. We wish you all a happy new year, family happiness and all the best, and thank you for following us all the way, let's walk with one heart, create the future together, and fly together infinitely!

Congratulations to Feiyue Mechanical and Electrical for winning the Excellent Group Member of the 8th Council, and Chairman Jiang Yourong was elected as the Vice Chairman of the 9th Council

On November 30, 2019, the Chinese Vacuum Society held the Ninth National Congress of Membership at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. A total of 185 members of the Society’s directors and representatives of group members from all over the country attended the conference.

May 29 , 2019
Embrace change and build the future

On July 26, the "2019 Semi-annual Summary Conference of Feiyue Electromechanical" was successfully held in Wenling International Hotel. General Manager Jiang Yourong, heads of various departments and core backbones, and nearly 100 people attended the meeting.

May 19 , 2019
China Refrigeration Expo News

From April 9th to April 11th, China Refrigeration 2019 was grandly opened in Shanghai New International Expo Center.

May 17 , 2019
Hainan five-day trip for excellent employees

In order to recognize and affirm the contribution of the majority of employees to the company, and encourage everyone to continue to maintain a good attitude of positive struggle at work, the company selected the 2018 annual excellent staff, and organized a five-day tour of Hainan for the excellent staff. This is VALUE's affirmation and care for excellent employees, so that everyone can better relax in the travel and leisure, while creating a different communication and learning environment, which is conducive to more positive and dynamic to work in the future.

May 17 , 2019
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