Embrace change and build the future



First of all, the heads of the companys various departments will make a summary of the first half of the year and report on the key work plans for the second half of the year. The heads of each department respectively elaborated on the work performance of their respective departments, and made a comprehensive analysis of the deficiencies and problems in their departments, and also made plans and arrangements for the key tasks of the next year. All participants listened carefully and applauded continuously.
Finally, President Jiang highly affirmed the work performance and results achieved by various departments in the first half of 2019, and made an important speech. He said: In addition to sales revenue growth in the first half of the year, all departments are actively promoting change management. Through the interactive communication management system, problem-oriented, common goals are formed, consensus is reached, efficient coordination, rapid response, and effective execution have consolidated Feiyue’s innovative management and management capabilities. This will also be Feiyue’s ability to be proud of the competition in the future. Knowledge and wealth.

01Results achieved
(1) Continuous and stable growth
In terms of the market, the serious economic uncertainty brought about by the Sino-US trade war, sales revenue, brand building enhancement and channel building have completed the business targets set at the beginning of the year as scheduled. In the first half of the year, the company completed sales of 297 million yuan, an increase of 21% over the same period last year, and achieved 60% of the annual sales target. Regarding the expansion of self-owned brand sales channels, 12 new brand channels were added to 12 countries and regions, and VALUE self-owned brand sales channels were established in 103 countries and regions around the world. Secondly, the American company quickly established 13 sales representatives (11 in the United States and 2 in Canada), 146 distributors, and achieved 108 order sales, breaking through the cooperation of the top ten refrigeration wholesalers, important brands and industry procurement alliances.


(2) Breakthrough in technological innovation
In terms of innovation, the project has a large number of projects and a wide range of technologies, not only can quickly respond to different markets and industries, but also serve the needs of VALUE, NAVAC, refrigeration business, industrial vacuum and OEM customers. At the same time, continuous innovation and breakthroughs in innovation capabilities and intellectual property management have achieved remarkable results. A total of 14 patents were applied for in the first half of the year, including 1 invention patent, 8 utility models, and 5 designs.

(3) Operation management
The various departments of the operation system actively cooperate with the business departments to work side by side to complete the production tasks on schedule. What is more commendable is that they are constantly practicing their internal skills, optimizing and improving the organizational structure, processes, and systems, forming a collaborative mechanism that quickly responds to market needs, and deepening plan management , Purchasing management and warehousing management processes to improve work efficiency. Secondly, continue to solidify the information management system, and fully realize the management mechanism of the integrated operation of finance and operation.

(4) Organizational capacity building
In terms of cultural construction, continue to promote the construction of corporate culture, strengthen the mechanism of customer first, common goals, interactive communication, and efficient coordination, and form a corporate atmosphere driven by mission and shared values. Through the continuous advancement of Feiyue College and Yuedu Club, the self-learning of employees is continuously improved and a good atmosphere of interactive learning is created.
In terms of organization and management, optimize and improve the organizational structure of the marketing department, supply chain management department, project department, and finance department to strengthen the overall management of suppliers, strengthen the coordination of project development management and management accounting capabilities, and analyze the financial analysis system, The management accounting system clearly sorts out the direction and goals, and establishes a new foundation for the next stage of establishing macro-decision-supporting business goals based on management accounting and financial analysis, and decomposing business problem analysis.
In terms of innovation management, establish an operating mechanism for the American board of directors, gradually promote the integration of American corporate culture, strategic alignment and goal management, and explore international management capabilities.

02Our challenges and problems
On the road of rapid development, we never stop. Every self-transcendence is a new challenge and the beginning of a new journey. We always maintain a sense of crisis and self-criticism. , Quickly and effectively deal with the problems and challenges that accompany and will encounter in the development of Feiyue.
In terms of market competition, although the results are gratifying, there are still some shortcomings: the rapid intensification of competition in the entire market, the impact of Internet channels on traditional channels, and the failure of individual new products to form effective competitiveness.
In terms of internal management, we have been committed to the construction of excellent corporate culture, efficient team building, scientific organizational change, and collaborative team execution. However, in organizational change management, we have personally felt: standardization and system of project management process Insufficient integration and proceduralization, there are certain quality problems after the transfer of production, which will bring about customer complaints and market promotion; secondly, the comprehensive capabilities of suppliers cannot meet the needs of rapid breakthroughs, forming a major bottleneck for the company’s development; and overall quality The management system is not rigorous, scientific and systematic, and cannot meet the companys core capabilities of high-quality manufacturing, speed, and innovation.
03Build the future
Towards the future, we are full of ambition. We will continue the strategic strategy formulated at the beginning of the year, focus on our core business, and strive to achieve the companys overall business goals. Second, continue to build the company’s four core capabilities: speed, innovation, high quality, global brand building, channel building, and management capabilities, and orderly carry out the key tasks in the second half of 2019, promote major change management projects, and promote the company’s rapid development Lay a solid foundation.

(1) The market
Refrigeration market:
1. Re-organize brand positioning and product positioning
Further strengthen VALUE Feiyue brand positioning and product positioning, and establish marketing activities with special value propositions at the core of making work easier (helping customers to complete their work more efficiently, with higher quality, and easier to complete), to achieve a truly global leading brand.
2. Innovative mechanism oriented to user needs
Establish an innovative product mechanism centered on user needs and the best user experience, and always maintain the leading edge of the product.
3. Optimize channels
Optimize channel quality, help regional distributors carry out in-depth marketing activities and advertising promotion, and increase brand influence and market share.
4. In-depth marketing
Establish a closer channel system and achieve win-win cooperation.
5. Embrace the Internet
Embrace Internet marketing to form an online and offline information system and channel system.

Industrial vacuum market:
1. Redefine brand positioning
Clarify the target industry and target market in the future, and complete the new product planning with a higher brand positioning.
2. Establish high-quality channels
Establish a high-quality dealer network in important target markets and target industries.

(2) Innovation
1. Product integration management
Products integrate categories, realize standardization and modularization.
2. Focus on key points
Clarify key markets, focus resources on key projects, focus on development, integrate categories, standardize, and modularize.
3. Innovation oriented by user value
Strengthen the market target management and project target management of new products, fully evaluate user experience and market contribution, and do the right thing.
4. Construction of the projects comprehensive quality management system
4.1 Standardization, Process-oriented, and Systematic Promote standardized, process-oriented, and systematic project process management based on the overall quality management system, strengthen planning and review, and improve design quality and process quality.
4.2 Strengthen planning and review Strengthen planning and review to improve design quality and process quality.
4.3 Coordinating resources Combining supply chain reforms and building self-control capabilities, improving project production model planning and quality planning, and coordinating supplier resource management for new projects.

(3) Operation management
1. Promote the construction of a comprehensive quality management system
Promote the construction of a comprehensive quality management system and improve the quality level.
2. Promote supply chain reform
Promote supply chain reform projects, break through obstacles, establish an excellent supplier team that matches the future development of Feiyue, and establish strategic partnerships with excellent suppliers.
3. Establish advanced manufacturing capabilities
Combine supplier resources to establish the companys advanced manufacturing capabilities.
4. Establish superior equipment partnership
Establish close partnerships with excellent suppliers of special equipment, automation equipment, tooling and fixture design and manufacturing, lean production design layout, advanced tools and advanced measuring equipment, and establish advanced manufacturing capabilities through the cooperation of social resources.
5. Deepen informatization
Promote supplier information integration projects to achieve rapid information exchange.

(4) Organizational capacity building
1. Strengthen the construction of corporate culture
Further strengthen the construction of corporate culture and form a corporate management system with mission and values as the core. (Optimizing the interactive communication system, teamwork, efficient conference system, JPS)
2. Establish a learning organization
Further improve the Feiyue Academy, the Joyful Reading Club and the training mechanism to form an atmosphere of "team learning", "learning by doing, doing learning by doing", and establishing a learning organization.
3. Establish a management accounting system
Promote the construction of a strategic management accounting system, establish an operating system with strategic objectives and difference analysis as the core, and enhance the effectiveness of operations.
4. Promote the construction of major projects
Promote the Hangzhou Innovation Center project and the construction of the eastern intelligent manufacturing project, and ensure the start of the operation of the Hangzhou company.
A comprehensive analysis of the domestic and international situation shows that the external environment facing development in the second half of the year is more complex and severe, and there are more and greater risks and challenges that can be expected and unpredictable, and every Feiyue person must be fully prepared to fight a tough battle. The past success represents the past, and the future of Feiyue requires the joint creation and construction of Feiyue people.
let us:
Face the challenge with firm belief!
Break through yourself with a strong heart!
Accept the facts with an open mind!
Promote changes in a scientific way!
Perform collaboratively with efficient actions!
Go all out to embrace a better future-let us fly beyond the limit together!